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pgfplots: axis discontinuity moves entire plot to the right



I want to add an axis discontinuity on both my x and y axes, but doing so (even with just one axis) shifts my entire plot to the right.



\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}% Layout\usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry}% Colour\usepackage[cmyk]{xcolor}% Graphing and math\usepackage{pgfplots}\pgfplotsset{%    compat=1.18,    axis lines=left,    axis line style={semithick},    xlabel style={at=(current axis.right of origin), anchor=west},    ylabel style={at=(current axis.above origin), anchor=south east, rotate=-90, yshift=-1.5mm},    ticklabel style={font=\scriptsize},    clip mode=individual,    width=6.8cm,    anchor={outer north west}}\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing, intersections}\usepgfplotslibrary{fillbetween}% Float placement\usepackage{float}% Dummy text\usepackage{lipsum}\title{\TeX{}.SE MWE}\author{BrightBulb123}\begin{document}\maketitle\section{Introduction}\lipsum[1]% Don't worry about the janky looking fill, it's just a modified test version. Although, if there was a way to hide it from clipping through the axis discontinuity lines, that would be greatly appreciated!\begin{figure}[H]    \centering    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline]        \begin{axis}[                        title={Before tax},                        xlabel={\( Q \)},                        ylabel={\( P \)},                        ymin=20, ymax=32,                        xmin=40, xmax=57,                        domain={0:\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax}},                        declare function={%                            supply(\P)=2.05*\P;                        },                        axis y discontinuity=crunch  % <--- Problematic for the plot                    ]            \addplot[blue, thick, name path=supplycurve] ({supply(x)}, x) node[above right, pos=0.475, xshift=-3pt, yshift=4pt] {\( Q_S \)} node[blue!15!white, below right, pos=0.4075, xshift=3pt, yshift=-3pt, opacity=1, font=\tiny] {PS};            \node[] (equilibriumpoint) at (axis cs:50,25) {};            \path[name path=separator] (axis cs:\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmin},25) -- (equilibriumpoint);            \draw[black, dashed, opacity=0.25] (axis cs:\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmin},25) -| (axis cs:50,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin});            \addplot[blue, fill opacity=0.15] fill between[of=separator and supplycurve, soft clip={domain=40:50}];        \end{axis}    \end{tikzpicture}\end{figure}\end{document}


Without the axis discontinuity

This plot doesn't explicitly place the axis discontinuity marker, so, it is fine.

With the axis discontinuity

This plot explicitly places the axis discontinuity marker, so, its placement is messed up.

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